Brethren learn ways on how to get over the financial crisis

Brethren learn ways on how to get over the financial crisis


Date Posted: February 19, 2021

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Parents and married couples in the Ecclesiastical District of Thailand participated in a webinar entitled “Take control of your money towards financial freedom” on January 30, 2021.

The Buklod activity sought to remind the brethren the value of spending money wisely. In this time of economic crisis due to the pandemic, the district leadership thought it best to help the brethren find solutions to financial problems that they might be having.

In the webinar, useful tips and advice were given on how to cope when suffering from financial distress due to being retrenched from work or having their working hours greatly reduced.


Michael Fadriguilan, a head deacon and a Children’s Worship Service (CWS) teacher from the Phu My Hung in Vietnam, facilitated the webinar. He shared his expertise on managing finances and provided the brethren a research-based lecture on the road to financial freedom.

Michael discussed four easy steps in the webinar. First, setting a financial goal or planning day-to-day expenses. Second, taking control of finances, which includes increasing the source of income and being a wise spender. Third, investing in debts by paying all debts and being debt-free. And lastly, growing one’s assets by investing.

Brethren said that they gained positive insights in facing present situations. The activity ended with a Bible-based lecture taught by Brother Azel Alcantara, minister of the gospel.

He reminded the brethren, “Learning about financial freedom is very helpful especially in this time of crisis. But let us not forget to pray to the Lord God and ask for His help. He is the only One who can give us the solutions to all of our problems.” ― With reports from INC News Section

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