“Fruits” of Cagayan West’s propagational efforts baptized

“Fruits” of Cagayan West’s propagational efforts baptized


Date Posted: February 19, 2021

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Reaping the fruits of the brethren’s collaborative labors in the Church’s work of propagation, the Cagayan West Ecclesiastical District conducted two consecutive baptisms of new members at the house of worship of Sanchez Mira Local Congregation on January 30, 2021.

Before the appointed time of 9:00 in the morning, the candidates for baptism gathered with solemn anticipation inside the house of worship together with the Church members who were instrumental in their conversion to the true faith.


Prior to the baptismal proper, Brother Faustino Lelis, district supervising minister, led them in the study of God’s words.

Five hours later, at 2:00 in the afternoon, the other baptism was officiated by the assistant district supervising minister, Brother Abraham Carbonel Sr.

In each occasion, the officiating minister taught the baptismal candidates the characteristics of a true Christian worthy of God’s blessings. It was emphasized to them that bearing such qualities will enable them to victoriously uphold their election until they reach the Holy City promised by God. — With reports from INC News Section

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