Ottawa CWS members hold musical evangelical mission

Ottawa CWS members hold musical evangelical mission


Date Posted: February 22, 2021

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With the fervent desire for their whole families to be united with the Church Administration in the intensified propagation of the pure gospel, parents from the Capital City and Nepean, Ontario Local Congregations and Gatimeau Group Worship Service (GWS) in the Ecclesiastical District of Ottawa, led their children in sharing their faith through an online musical evangelical mission on February 7, 2021.

Prior to listening to the biblical teachings upheld in the Church Of Christ, the brethren and their guests who were connected through videoconferencing from the confines of their homes, witnessed the pre-recorded rendering of original Iglesia Ni Cristo music by the members of the Children’s Worship Service (CWS).      

During the study of God’s words led by Brother Edgardo dela Cruz, a minister of the gospel, he emphasized the great importance of joining and remaining in the Church Of Christ in receiving God’s promises not only in this life, but most importantly, in the life to come.

Afterwards, Brother Elmer Miranda, assistant district supervising minister, delivered the closing remarks inspiring the attendees—members and nonmembers alike—to seek solace in worshiping the true God inside the Church Of Christ.


With the guidance of District leadership and unity of the CWS officers and the devoted parents and children, the virtual evangelistic activity was a success, thanks to the Almighty God.  

Leading her children by example, Joy Roque, mother of one of the CWS performers, said that she encourages and explains to her children the great importance of fulfilling God’s commands to receive salvation.

“I will lead them by actively participating in all the activities launched by the Church Administration,” she said.         

Lianne Balbuena, a CWS teacher from Capital City, promised to God: “I will always perform my duty by teaching the young brethren inside the fold the words of our Almighty God and I will also come up with fun activities for them to enjoy and at the same time help them attain spiritual maturity.”      

“Although we are in pandemic and there are some restrictions, we are not hindered to share our faith because we can still do it through online,” said Arnold Joseph and Victoria Mateo, siblings and CWS members from Nepean. “We are happy about our musical evangelical mission because we were able to share the truth to our loved ones and friends who are nonmembers.”

 “I enjoyed participating in the activity because I saw myself with other children singing songs to glorify our God and to share our faith to other people,” said Jhudessa Ramil, a CWS member from Nepean.

Sabine Ouimet, a CWS choir member from Gatimeau GWS, expressed her enjoyment to be part of the musical event: “It is inspiring and full of life. It showed that even during a pandemic, we can still be active especially in sharing our faith and to be more prayerful to God that He will always guide us.”

It was indeed an inspiring sight to see the youth in their tender age to do their part in participating in the activities launched by the Church Administration and to do good works that leads to salvation. — With reports from INC News Section

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