Tim Dillon: ‘Making Woke Garbage Might Be Over’

Tim Dillon sounds like Howard Stern circa 1996.

The “Tim Dillon: A Real Hero” star talks like the current woke regulations don’t apply to him. Dillon takes the devil’s advocate position on a hot topic one moment, then makes perfect sense on a geopolitical query the next.

It’s unexpurgated rants fueled by wit and wisdom.

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Anything goes on “The Tim Dillon Show,” one reason Netflix signed him up for the “Hero” special.

So when Dillon says a change is in the wind regarding comedy, it’s worth noting.

Dillon invited fellow comic Bobby Kelly of “Fourth of July” fame on his most recent podcast episode. The two cracked wise about food addiction, comedy stylings and more.

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Mid-chat, they reflected on both comedy and show business, with an emphasis on the “business” part of the phrase.

“The streamers … they’re all broke,” Dillon said, referring to belt tightening tactics at both Netflix and Warner Bros. Discovery.

“They’re losing a lot of money. I didn’t get any notes on that [Netflix] special … I think it’s gonna go the other way, where people are like, ‘We gotta make money.’ These are all businesses. These guys all have mortgages. People forgot about that. They’re like, ‘oh, we can just win Emmys and have articles written about how great we are.’ Eventually, something’s gotta make money and something’s gotta be good,” Dillon said.

“Making just woke garbage might be over, and people are like, ‘let’s make things that are good,'” Dillon said.

“Funny always wins in the end,” said Kelly, whose new comedy special “Kill Box” debuted exclusively at LouisCK.com.

The comments come after Warner Bros. Discovery pulled the plug on a seemingly woke superhero film, “Batgirl,” while Netflix similarly bailed on programs from progressive darlings Ibram X. Kendi and Meghan Markle.

The New York Times recently shared how Hollywood insiders are having second thoughts about embracing the woke mindset, acknowledging lost revenue and a cultural over-correction.

The post Tim Dillon: ‘Making Woke Garbage Might Be Over’ appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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