Conservatives Adopt Cancel Culture Tactics Against ‘The Chosen’

Conservatives, by and large, are leading the fight against Cancel Culture.

Yes, some old-school liberals have joined the fracas, including Bill Maher, John Cleese and Rob Schneider.

It’s still overwhelmingly conservatives who lash out at modern-day struggle sessions for sharing the “wrong” views. That effort includes attacking the woke mind virus, a toxic movement akin to the Chinese cultural revolution of the 1960s.

The similarities are frightening.

Yet some conservatives are adopting Cancel Culture-like tactics in an effort to shame, if not outright Cancel, “The Chosen.”

The Angel Studios series follows the life and times of Jesus Christ, memorably played by Jonathan Roumie. The show, which recently wrapped its third season, is one of the most successful faith-based stories of the modern era.

Secular critics sing its praises, and it crossed over to the big screen, twice, with impressive results.

Recently, footage from the show’s set revealed a Pride flag on display. That set off a whirlwind of commentary and criticism. Some demand the show be “canceled,” even though the creative team behind the series isn’t promoting LGBTQ+ themes in any capacity.

Call it guilt by association in classic Cancel Culture style.

It’s even worse because a film or TV set should be a place where everyone is welcome. The person behind the flag helps bring “The Chosen” phenomena to the masses. Isn’t that what we should crave, where spiritual art is created without boundaries and a Hollywood-style production is open to everyone?


Would the show’s critics recoil if a conservative Christian was outed on, say, “Ted Lasso” and the production team fired him or told him or her not to display their views on set in any capacity? 

They would, and should. How is this different?

“The Chosen” released a smart, carefully worded response to the kerfuffle.

That wasn’t enough for some.

Newsweek captured some of the anger against the show over the flag’s appearance. The Federalist weighed in against “The Chosen,” too.

For faithful Christians who are constantly assailed by radical LGBT propaganda every summer from every angle, “The Chosen’s” decision to defend the icon that brags of sins like sexual immorality and pride is a betrayal far bigger than “we’ll always let you down.”

One flag. One co-worker. One behind-the-scenes moment captured and shared on social media, all to cancel the series, either culturally or literally.

Sound familiar?


Let’s move beyond the fact that so few shows offer a spiritual balm like “The Chosen,” or that the series represents the power of the people in ways that shame Hollywood. The series began with a crowdfunding extravaganza, revealing a consumer hunger ignored by Hollywood, Inc.

This kind of Cancel Culture attack captures the worst of the movement’s impulses, and it’s directed at a show the Right should be celebrating.

Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing attacked critics for attempting a “purity test” shakedown, shaming his own outlet for publicizing the matter.

“The Chosen” isn’t pushing a radical agenda. It’s allowing an employee the freedom to express his views, something that wasn’t meant for public consumption. Nor does the flag speak for the show or its creative mission.

It’s not targeting children, either.

Those massive differences should cut the Cancel Culture attacks short. They aren’t, though, and that could be more damaging than the usual woke mob’s tactics.

The post Conservatives Adopt Cancel Culture Tactics Against ‘The Chosen’ first appeared on Hollywood in Toto.

The post Conservatives Adopt Cancel Culture Tactics Against ‘The Chosen’ appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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