Ice Cube: Woke Word Police Keep Us Bickering

Bill Maher has little interest in bringing up politics on his “Club Random” podcast.

That’s what his HBO show “Real Time with Bill Maher” is all about.

Woke? That’s another matter.

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Maher has been one of the most consistent anti-woke voices in pop culture, and he’s eager to recruit others to his cause. Or, at the very least, nudge them to take a stand on what Elon Musk dubbed the “woke mind virus.”

This week, rapper/actor/entrepreneur Ice Cube sat in the “Club Random” chair and got the Maher treatment. The comedian brought up the term “woke,” all but asking Ice Cube to take the rhetorical bait.

He did.

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“We live in an age of bad faith, and when I say ‘bad faith’ I mean people don’t argue or make points generally about what they really believe or they really think will help things get along … they do it on, ‘what can I get you on?’ We live in Woke-istan,” Maher quipped.

“Instead of learning from each other, which is what it’s all about,” Ice Cube said.

Maher noted how the constant verbal “updates” come with a side effect. They allow the group manipulating the language to target those who don’t immediately adhere to the “new” rules.

“You didn’t get the memo that we don’t say, ‘Latino’ anymore we say ‘Latinx.’ You say it. You know who doesn’t say it? Latinos. They f***ing hate it,” Maher said.

“No, we can change the rules, and the people who haven’t caught on, we can get them,” Maher continued, capturing what he thinks is the thought process behind the changes.

His guest pushed the conversation further.

“It’s weird having names always changing, every 20 or 30 years, somebody wants to put a new label on the same things,” Ice Cube said. “It’s just done to keep us bickering.”

“By who … who is doing it?” Maher asked.

“Who benefits and profits off our bickering and our division? Follow the money.,” the rapper said.

The post Ice Cube: Woke Word Police ‘Keep Us Bickering’ first appeared on Hollywood in Toto.

The post Ice Cube: Woke Word Police ‘Keep Us Bickering’ appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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