Jordan Peterson Schools Bill Maher on Canadian Fascism

Bill Maher makes a living mocking political elites, but he has major gaps in his Beltway knowledge.

For example, he admitted last year that he still believes President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election. That’s despite the Mueller Report finding no evidence of such collusion and major investigations concluding the same.

We know even more today how Hillary Clinton concocted the faux scandal and various government bodies doubled down on the lies.

Maher didn’t know the truth, in part, because he likely ingests a steady diet of Mainstream Media misinformation.

So it’s not a shock to learn Maher had no idea how Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau crushed dissent during the height of the pandemic lockdowns.

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Maher broached the subject with this week’s “Club Random” guest, Canadian professor and Daily Wire contributor Jordan Peterson. Maher, knowing his guest’s native roots, brought up a “dumb” quote from Trudeau about the truckers who protested the country’s pandemic policies.

Maher paraphrased Trudeau’s quote with shock.

“We have a vibrant democracy here in Canada and we value protests… but when you use protests to object to the policies of the government I think you’re going too far,” Maher said.

“What the f*** is protest for except to object to the policies of the government,” Maher added, laughing.

Canadian truckers rebelled against the nation’s draconian lockdown measures which impacted their livelihoods and, as we learned later, had little actual science behind them.

Peterson leaned into the conversation.

“They seized the bank accounts of 200 Canadians and that was not amusing,” Peterson notes. “Trudeau has no idea what that did to Canada’s international reputation.”

Maher looked stunned.

“Wait. Go back. They seized the bank accounts of people who were in the protests?” Maher said.

“They [even] seized some bank accounts of people who only sent money to the protests,” Peterson. “They locked them out of the financial system.”

“That is creepy,” Maher admitted.

“I can’t imagine a politician doing anything more inappropriate than that … No trial. No real investigation,” Peterson said before adding how Trudeau even blamed MAGA Republicans for allegedly funding the protests.

“It’s completely preposterous,” Peterson noted. “Why would MAGA Republicans foment dissent in Ottawa? Even if they knew where it was, which they don’t, why would they?”

Maher laughed through those comments.

The post Jordan Peterson Schools Bill Maher on Canadian Fascism first appeared on Hollywood in Toto.

The post Jordan Peterson Schools Bill Maher on Canadian Fascism appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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