WaPo Blistered Over Woke ‘Fast Car’ Spin

Woke may be a new movement, but it already has hard and fast rules.

Like, you can never be woke enough. Celebrities and films have learned that the hard way. Just ask Amy Schumer. Or Team Disney.

Another woke truism? You must ignore past achievements to prop up current woke bromides. Jennifer Lawrence embarrassed herself when she said she was the first female action hero, courtesy of the “Hunger Games” franchise.

Ellen Ripley, Princess Leia and many others begged to differ. The Oscar winner swiftly backpedaled.

Now, The Washington Post is getting into the act.

The far-Left newspaper is outraged that Tracy Chapman’s 1988 smash single “Fast Car” has been reborn as a country sensation by Luke Combs.

“As Luke Combs’s hit cover of Tracy Chapman’s ‘Fast Car’ dominates the country charts, it’s bringing up some complicated emotions in fans & singers who know that Chapman, as a queer Black woman, would have an almost zero chance at that achievement herself.”

The angle is a not-too-obvious attack on country music, a genre the press loathes and attacks when it can. The same Washington Post did just that two years ago.

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It also explains why the woke mob, aided and abetted by the media, did all it could to cancel Morgan Wallen last year after he uttered the “n-word” in private and not against a black person.

(The same mob looked away when Hunter Biden did far worse)

That effort ultimately failed, but Wallen’s career came to a screeching halt for a spell.


The WaPo messaging is clear. Country music fans are too racist and ignorant to embrace the song had Chapman herself made it into a country ditty. Plus, Chapman is a victim because she’s both black and a lesbian.

Twitter users didn’t hold back regarding the WaPo article.

Yet the singer-songwriter doesn’t exactly sound like a victim. Instead, she’s thrilled to watch her classic song find new life in another music genre.

“I never expected to find myself on the country charts, but I’m honored to be there,” Chapman tells Billboard in an exclusive statement. “I’m happy for Luke and his success and grateful that new fans have found and embraced ‘Fast Car.’”

Oh, and she’s cashing in on the song’s resurgence. As well she should.

Best of all, Chapman’s initial fame came at a time when fans didn’t care about her skin color or sexuality. They loved the song, its melancholy spirit and how unique it was in the sonic landscape of the era.

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TMZ, of all news sources, summed up the issue best.

Carry on, folks … nothing to see here.

Yet what the WaPo attempted, trying to divide us along race and gender lines, shouldn’t be forgotten.

The post WaPo Blistered Over Woke ‘Fast Car’ Spin first appeared on Hollywood in Toto.

The post WaPo Blistered Over Woke ‘Fast Car’ Spin appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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