Corrupt Media Couldn’t Save ‘The Acolyte’ from Cancellation

Journalists deserve an A for effort when it comes to “The Acolyte.”

The Disney+ series, part of the flailing “Star Wars” franchise, mustered tons of positive press before Monday’s news of its cancellation.

And then some.

Reporters didn’t just share updates on the series, created by Leslye Headland. They defended the saga, showered it with glowing reviews and said anyone who disagreed was a racist, sexist troll.

We all know why.

The series doubled down on Disney’s progressive agenda, from the cast’s aggressive diversity to the creation of a lesbian witch coven. The media became Disney’s extended PR team, swatting away naysayers without giving fans credit for sussing out a shoddy series.

Funny how the same sexist, racist fans loved “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story,” a film with a very diverse cast led by an empowered heroine (Felicity Jones).

As Rachel Zegler might say, “Weird!”

“The Acolyte” stands as one of the worst “Star Wars” projects since Disney shelled out $4 billion in 2012 to acquire the property from George Lucas. None of the press’ accusations could save the series from itself.

Woke. Dull. Terribly written. Canon-breaking themes.

YouTube Video

For all those reasons “Star Wars” fans rejected the series, amplified by YouTube critics like Nerdrotic and The Critical Drinker.

If the pattern feels familiar, it should.

Modern journalists no longer share the news as it happens. They sculpt narratives based on their liberal biases, attacking readers along the way. It’s why serious journalists insisted video evidence of President Joe Biden’s cognitive decline were mere “cheap fakes” created by evil Republicans to take down a leader destined to grace Mt. Rushmore.

They lied. And lied. And told Americans not to trust their eyes and ears. They knew better. Until a fateful presidential debate stopped their lies. Cold.

Something similar happened from a pop culture perspective.

Audiences rejected “The Acolyte” en masse. Viewers watched the first episodes and slowly but surely abandoned the series. The ratings drooped. The show’s sizable budget stayed the same.

Disney brass crunched some numbers and called it a series.

You’ll read no apologies to Nerdrotic and co. for correctly assessing the show’s merits and dwindling fan base. Nor will we see reporters suggest the so-called “review bombing” represented real fans with real resentment over a tepid “Star Wars” series.


The cycle will happen again the next time a Hollywood studio releases a woke project that must be defended at all costs.

Until it can’t.

The post Corrupt Media Couldn’t Save ‘The Acolyte’ from Cancellation appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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