How Netflix Spoiled Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech

Sorry, Democrats. Michelle Obama won’t square off against President Donald Trump this November.

The popular ex-First Lady focused her attention this week on Vice President Kamala Harris’ race to the White House. Obama stem-winder at Tuesday’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago attacked President Donald Trump and praised Harris.

Nothing unusual there.

It also included a personal moment she hoped would reflect well on her, Harris and the Democrats in toto.

The context? The accumulation of wealth and the moral clarity to spread it around.

“She and my father didn’t aspire to be wealthy. In fact, they were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed,” Michelle Obama said [of her parents]. “They understood that it wasn’t enough for their kids to thrive if everyone else around us was drowning. So my mother volunteered at the local school.”

The corrupt press heard that sentiment and didn’t bat an eye. Everyone else in the country took a big, long pause.

Wait … what?

The Obamas’ personal wealth is substantial in 2024. Book sales. Speaking fees. And, for those who follow the entertainment space, their Netflix contract.

The Obamas joined Team Netflix in 2018. The official numbers behind the deal weren’t disclosed. At the time, the Trump economy was firing on all cylinders, the Hollywood bubble had yet to burst and marquee names like Ryan Murphy had inked Netflix deals far north of $100 million.

CNN’s sources described the Obamas’ contract as a high eight-figure deal. Suffice it to say Netflix made the Obamas rich.

Richer, to be precise.

That pact paved the way for Oscar-nominated documentaries like “American Factor” as well as fawning projects such as “Becoming.”

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The post How Netflix Spoiled Michelle Obama’s DNC Speech appeared first on Hollywood in Toto.

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