Washington, D.C. District commemorates SCAN anniversary

Washington, D.C. District commemorates SCAN anniversary


Date Posted: February 24, 2021

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The officers and members of the Society of Communicators and Networkers, International (SCAN) in the Ecclesiastical District of Washington, D.C., Mid-Atlantic held a special gathering in commemoration of the organization’s 32nd year of establishment.

In spite of and due to restrictions to keep the populace safe from the Covid-19 pandemic, the SCAN members, along with their families, held the special gathering through videoconferencing.


Altogether they praised and thanked the Lord God for His help and guidance in performing their duties and for the victories He bestowed on the SCAN for all these years.

They also listened to a Bible-based lesson on giving greater value to the duty they received from Him.

The study of God’s words led by Brother Matthew Capistrano, district supervising minister, was streamed to their respective homes from the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Temple Hills.

Brother Capistrano further emphasized on the SCAN members and their families that they are able to give glory to God through their participation in the holy works of the Church Of Christ.

The SCAN organization provides assistance to Aid to Humanity and other socio-civic activities of the Church.

Brother Fercival Ramirez, district SCAN president, was one of the few who were allowed to attend the gathering inside the said house of worship.

“It has been almost a year since we were able to gather inside the house of worship, and it did not come in a better time than this as we commemorate the anniversary of the SCAN International,” he said. “The message inspired me even more to do all things necessary to be of greater help to the Church Administration as I perform my office in the SCAN organization.” — With reports from Matt Karl Talens

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